Whether you feel burdened by the lockdown or enlightened, it has certainly taught us all a thing or two. As we approach, with fingers crossed, the near hopeful end to this tragedy, I have begun evaluating my time in quarantine, and the elements of change I have implemented so far. Being a consultant in the luxury marketing space, it has not only been adversely affected but will seemingly suffer a long-lasting adaptive change in the industry. By monitoring my key clients and advising on maintaining visibility in the market, I have devised three recommended strategies that I have implemented to ensure long term profitability.
1. Deliver the online experience, whether or not your business is in its infancy or is a household name, implementing and future proofing your brand is imperative. Firstly, educate – teach yourself and/or your team to learn the ropes of Zoom, Google Meet or Skype, not only how to access a web chat but be savvy enough to implement team break-out sessions, clickable links and screen sharing. E-commerce and digital marketing have grown two-fold since the start of the pandemic, and with the likelihood of many companies adopting the viability of working from home as its new normal, this model seems here to stay. So, ensure you are visible on the most up to date platforms, and have a regular presence, either by on-boarding a consultant that can bring you up to speed, implement and manage all these necessities or analyse a competitor in your sector and execute a more fluid digital landscape that articulates your brands digital narrative.
2. Providing value, this may seem obvious but the journey to the end user is sometimes blurred between lines of effective marketing and selling. I have been monitoring many companies throughout the lockdown period and can see a visible difference in those educating their consumers and those educating with a sales narrative. It is crucial in these times for your clients and your consumers to believe in your genuine value delivery, this could be through discussing actionable measures you can meet, such as outlining threats to their business, employee retention and vital communication channels.
Secondly, by highlighting the innovations that you are currently making that differentiates your offering from your competitors, and promote your good news stories in terms of awards and consultancy wins.
Providing compassion and understanding the full sphere of the customer journey is imperative to success in 2020.
3. Lastly, get more social with fellow consultants, engage in finding out more about your and their work, innovation through review, receiving actionable evaluation on your current techniques is a skilful way to discuss purchasing decisions, exchange views on business and implement purposeful delivery.
And remember, advertise compassionately – your contributions to the conversation need to be valuable and appropriate.